Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"Can I let go? on reality" Crea.: Saturday, July 16, 2005 7:10 PM . Mod: Monday, July 18, 2005 12:10 PM

translucent then trans(cendent)-parent hierarchy is wiped clean as this mind's cognitive ignition blasts off and i realize the irrelevance of time, space, individuals, statics, or anything but solipsism. can i say hello to unbalance in black? because sense is resultant of rolling rocks (is it?) and fighting force. without blissful impermanence and becoming we are finite figures frozen in stone. stagnant static staling nonexistent things cannot be-coming. and with this you can see the sheet. take a microscope to us like a petri dish reality. (or telescopic kaleidoscopic peering into the sky is right) inspiration in flowing free knowing the way of the world of becoming black to blue to yellow to orange. (we're an open mind of collective lies. see this truth. see this you.) (we're on the ever-ascending end of the circle) look at these definite lines. there's creativity in perception. there's dogma in what is shaken from these and those hands. stop, think, close your eyes, and blind yourself. think outside of black. outside the paradigm. imagine that. you think it's possible. it's possible! blind and deaf are resultant of eyes and ears of stagnant static .perceiving. not even numbers. are there numbers in the mind of a senseless man? this is the question. i pose this pleasure to you my friend. fly this flight with new vigor because today is not tuesday. today is the newest now of becoming. now is never again. don't forget it.


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