Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"Can I let go?" . Created: Sunday, July 17, 2005 11:48 AM . Modified: Monday, July 18, 2005 12:28 PM

(with bound feet) can i let go? of bound wrists? of bound skin? of bound 4th dimensions? of realities inside space and time? (can i roll this rock freely with shackled ankles? and realities outside a reason or rhyme?)

everlasting exponential becoming... yes it's true. exploding implosion in an instant of non-temporal perceptive glances to and through the tao of truth. i see through this system with x-ray enlightenment.

transcend this hierarchy to be wiped clean as cognitive ignition blasts off in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. hello unbalance to(of) black but from black comes a full-spectrum illusion of yet again unbalanced truth. but it is true that balance is within you and your manifesto self addressed you realize status quo is self punishment.

we're finite figures frozen in stone? fuck that stagnant static stalling. nonexistent things cannot be-coming. and with this you can see the sheet. take a microscope to us, a petri dish reality. do you see the sheet?

strain the imperance from this solid rock. errodiant radiance of light.

stop, think, close your eyes, and blind yourself. think outside of black. outside the paradigm. imagine that. you think it's possible. it's possible! blind and deaf are eyes and ears of stagnant static .perceiving. not even numbers. are there numbers in the mind of a senseless man? this is the question. i pose this pleasure to you my friend. fly this flight with new vigor because today is not tuesday. today is the newest now of becoming. now is never again. don't forget it.

flick of the veritable wrist again to brush on the bliss of impermanance of it. cheat again. fuck that. this is for us. cheat yourself myfriend? it's not academics.

teddy in the corner his lip skin isn't what was supposed it. so we stuck some whale fat red romantics to it to fix it. this isn't relevant. te digo que esto no importa. hay much mas que esto mira al sielo. mira a los amigos. this is intervention. for glutton freaks anonymous. consuming even cups without bottoms. i'll choose this battle so here's the tip of the spear. my assuming eyes and ears are cold to the touch and i can feel your fear. vegetenario te va a comer. is this spoken word irrelevance? if it is then what is? que nos importa te pregunto supesto que es esto no? o no?


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