Saturday, August 05, 2006

a letter that i wrote to remind myself

there may (at some indeterminable moment in your life) be a time when your mental vitality and sharpness fades, degrading and deteriorating away so that you are most certainly not the same person any longer. you must think and work until that day when you can no longer be yourself, and cannot know yourself through your own strength of self analysis and intelligence. you must give your best until that day when you cannot hold on to yourself any longer.


Blogger Kaitlynn said...

i dont know if there is a time when we are never really "ourselves" i mean, that would be implying that at any given time we actually are ourselves. really truly whatever we mean to be. it's like a river or something. i mean, a river's got a name and all. and we know it as such. and we depend on it to always be that. and it is always a river. with the same name. but it's content, direction, speed, motion, they change. but no matter how much it changes, we still see it as the life that we love. that river is still itself. exactly as it is meant to be. whatever exactly being is anyway.

5:09 PM  

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