Friday, July 28, 2006

i'd rather just sit with a good book and a good friend and a good conversation

i find myself forcing myself to be attracted to girls that i feel i should be attracted to or forcing myself to notice the physically attractive parts about them, but the truth is that i'm rarely attracted to anyone i see. not to say that they're not beautiful because i can see how they are, but i just don't want them most of the time. they're really great people most of the time too. i just want them as friends though even if they are great people with great bodies and beautiful faces. not to say that i'm not a sexual being because i am, but it isn't something that i care about very much. i'd rather sit with someone and have them as another friend. i don't know how i'll be attracte to another person because they women that i know are great and beautiful but i just don't want them. maybe in europe i'll meet someone brilliant and too beautiful to ignore as someone that i want to spend some of my life with. maybe then i'll fall in love and feel the freedom of loving a grown up person. i don't think i would mind living in europe for a while.


Blogger dude said...

you just wrote the best comment ever in the history of this blog so thank you for making me smile and feel something akin to laughter inside:).

next, i think i can agree with you actually. i'm sure people are still pretty stupid in europe.

i think it's funny that you say that you think people are talking about really cool things like books and art and things but it's just that you can't understand what they're saying. brings to light how you wonder how much people know and think when they talk about interesting things even when they speak in our own language when it seems that they might be doing a dishonor to the probably sacred (and to be respected) quality of the hidden aspect to language by using it as a veil over their own lack of understanding. then again, lack of understanding and disrespectful use of the hidden end up in nihilism and real stupidity. maybe i'm the stupid one though.

if i really want love:)... i don't really want that right now at this very moment in my day, probably later too. but, i think your advice will probably work too. to be honest, i just have a thing for european girls. that's all. i think they're more attractive. maybe it's more of that empty hidden but if that's the case, maybe i can be okay with that because i know it to be so. at least i'm not lying to myself.:) and, i suppose my chances of finding a worth while i.e. truly intelligent person are as good in europe as they are in this blasted land of ridiculousness.:) thanks justin:).

6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

go jjkemp to tell it like it is!

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, and many european girls actually are a cut above the rest because of their dark skin/hair and light, amazing-looking eyes. this goes for the boys as well.

5:57 PM  

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