Sunday, January 21, 2007

the city life

get away from the noise

the relief of seeing grass

the wealth of silence


Blogger Kaitlynn said...

i have thought and thought and thought some more and while i was laying surrounded by an inch of nylon and padding with my sixty pound pack next to me, holding all i needed to survive then next day, trying to fight off the cold by shivering my body, working to keep the wind off my face, and condensation from lingering in my bag, i thought about how many people fancy themselves to be 'outdoors' folk. and i thought and i thought and i think that i thought that maybe some people do not realize that the outside is the out out outside. and when you're walking in the middle of the desert and there is nothing nothing to cover you, and no where to go but everywhere around you which is the world around you quite literally because the world around you is the nakedness of nature. and when you are out there, you are suriving. and making it, surviving, battling the splitting wind that peels the sun scorched skin off your face, fighting off the cold convincing yourself that 'cold' is only a state of mind. realizing that you have nine more miles of fighting to go before you can lay out yourself and do it again. that is just a bit of nature. for those who may fancy themselves out-of-doors folk. and that is just a recent thought i had

3:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

4:27 PM  

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