Saturday, December 30, 2006

More photos of my room/house in Barcelona plus some exxxxtras.

A photo of my uncle and i Smart driving home... He has a smart car and he´s teaching me how to drive in Barcelona:). PS this computer is not 100% easy to use. It´s programmed to be used in at least three simultaneous languages: Castellano, Catalá, and English. Anyway... Tanmaya and i at the party we had before before i left and everyone else going to New York and San Fransisco slash end of the semester celebration. The view of the mountains out my window when i woke up on the first morning! Holy fuck that was amazing! The photo does it no justice, but maybe you can see the train way down below. My uncle´s house is on a mountain across from this mountain, and there´s a castle at the top of the mountain that i live on. A pig limb; they like to eat a lot of meat here. I said i liked it better that it was hole; at least this way people don´t forget what they´ve killed. PS again: i know how to say shit in all the important languages (other than Basque because that language is fucking crazy). Castilian = mierda, French = merd, and Catalá = merde.


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