Monday, November 27, 2006

Study Abroad Packing List & To-Dos:

- walking shoes (?) (p)
- cell phone (local calls are $! in europe)
- get bank stuff in order -> let 'em know your leaving
- get a credit card (p)
- winter clothing (look BCN Packing List.doc) (p)
- get friend's music
- get computer fixed
- digital camera/1gb memory card/usb cable/charger (p)
- order camera charger/usb cable (p)
- print friend/family photos (p)
- computer/charger (p)
- backpacking pack pack (p)
- computer shoulder bag (p)
- school back pack (?) (p)
- computer speakers (p)
- snowboard (p)
- boots, goggles, hat, gloves, pants, jacket (p)
- money belt (?) (p) (ask mary)
- meds in ziplocs w/ generic names (talk to dr. about that) (p)
- shampoo/soap/deodorant/toothbrush/toothpaste/shaver/cologne (p)
- pick up visa at spanish consulate in chicago (p)
- visa (p)
- photocopy of visa (p)
- passport (p)
- photocopy of passport (p)
- airline tickets (verify on internet)
- CEA Arrival Card (?) w/ phone #s of Resident Staff (?) (p)
- signed authorization from dr. for meds (p)
- DRS paperwork
- Health kit: vitamins, Band-Aids, antiseptic, alcohol wipes for sterilizing wounds (p)
- sunscreen (p or buy there)
- sunglasses (p)
- clothing dress (look BCN Packing List.doc) (p)
- travel books (p)
- personal books (p)
- purchase alarm clock/radio
- ipod/usb cable (p)
- phrase books/dictionary (p)
- purchase adapter/converters (?) (p)
- umbrella (p)
- rain poncho/jacket (p)
- room decorations (map of india/map of barce/spain/prayer flags) (p)
- get nece. friend/fam. phone #s (p)
- get inter'l driver's license (p)
- thesaurus (p)
- pencils/pens (p)
- look for/sign up for salsa/flamenco lessons
- ...


Blogger jjkemp said...

i read your list and i dont think you should bring any of those things. barcelona has lots of hot chick, dont worry about stuff. just bring your visa, a jet ski and a dream....let the spanish take care of the rest....;)

5:35 AM  

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