Monday, August 21, 2006

the ending of a few processtual phases

what can i say, i don't think words can express what i experience in my life fully enough so, i think i'm just gonna live my life.

i can't say i've found everything or even love or even express what i have found other then happiness that comes and goes and some free free romance with a great person. but what can i say. my plan: i'm gonna go back to caring for people and my friends and myself if i can and see what happens. i think it'll turn out nicely. especially when krista gets back and the school year starts.

my advice to everyone: do your best (you define and fulfill that). surround yourself with your best friends. keep an open mind. that's all i've got.

gotta go. allie m. is text messaging blog out

oh p.s. i hope you enjoyed the writing that was posted.


Blogger me said...

so this is the end?

4:05 AM  
Blogger dude said...

for the time being at least. maybe i'll come back to it. this has just gotten to be not my style. though, i still enjoy reading other people's stuff.

6:32 PM  

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