Friday, August 11, 2006

i read a portion of Mein Kampf and i feel sick

While I know this may be an informal statement in a formal writing, I feel it for some reason necessary to express the absurd disgust that these words of pure hate left me; what a taste in my mouth, on my tongue. For a moment, I thought that my utter disgust with his absurd depiction of Jewish, devil eyed boys preying on innocent, young girls bothered me, displaced my sick stomach twice removed from anything but emaciating nausea, because one of my best friends is Jewish. Then, I realized that it was not that at all. It was the thought of so many ignorant, receiving eyes that cast their glances over these pages and said ‘yes!’ finding commonality, identification, a shared blood with this hate devoured man – all I can think of is bile. It was not my friend. It was to know the sway of these words among a people so broken. To get even a taste of the hate which they owned to the walls of their veins. The death. The disgust. The spit in his face, the entirety of humanity. We are a broken and lost people, so brutal and cruel, but then I feel the headache in the back of my skull and I think of love but I can’t touch it. Not right now.


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