Wednesday, July 19, 2006

sunken cheeks and swollen mind could never say the word... and this is not the title

it may be that the entirety of this world is the entirety of all existence, in fact, it may be that it must be. in other words, that the entirety of existence (maybe as being) is all there is to be spoken for, here or in another world... admittedly, another world cannot IbeI. and in this entirety, we trust because one realm could not existence as neighbor to another in the metaphysical basket (maybe nothing) that holds these realms of something, for these realms would rub up against each other, whose affect i cannot speculate to begin to comprehend. but, as whitehead says, there maybe many shades of green, but might there be many shades of green with respect to worldly realms (as infinitely many as shades of green)? metaphysical: indeterminate possibility leads us in every direction and none, paradox it is, to believe that other shades, other meta-orders of meta-existence could, in someway inconceivable, IbeI (though this wording for meta-orders of meta-existence is inadequate). but what if IbeingI is but order of the paradigm (that is one question), this worldly realm and it's particular knowing? (something at the level of thinking of the impact of tachyons and reverse, rather obliterated, cause and effect) maybe the question is not IbeingI in other realms. maybe question is of no relevance. a realm that does not think and is not but is still someIthingI.

words surrounded by "I I" are italicized


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