Thursday, July 13, 2006

an excerpt from the art of living

Lifting Away and Diarying

Whitehead wrote, "Any local agitation shakes the whole universe. The distant effects are minute, but they are there." As the being engaged in the world begins to self realize as not just the part of the part-whole but more accurately the part and the whole both in their dynamic interaction, the being begins lifting away (Heidegger) in involvement in and contemplation of the creative interplay of the creative part and the creative whole as they creatively interact. This creative interaction is one in which the whole-world (the whole of the part-whole) casts its own diary of present-ing (gifting) personality onto all subjectivities (whether the effect is large or small, it is there). Simultaneously, the interaction of the diary of present-ing (gifting) personality cast onto the whole of irreplaceable subjectivities bounces, vibrates, and shakes (with ridiculous fervor and maybe even Taoist laughter) with simultaneous present-ing of the personality of the whole as boundedness to the moment of infinite possibility, which fingerprints its identity onto all individual subjectivities to form simultaneous, creative identity in its ongoing interplay as the whole-world dynamic. The in-abiding questions of aesthetic philosophical, spiritual, and religious beauty and wonder are cast down too in the momentous birthing of the present as "the fingerprint of what nature gave us.", as expressed so poetically by Fredric Ludwig, is put down in diarying of identity and simultaneously passed away in the rubbing up against of impermanent interaction. It is in the full self realization as the whole-world, and as Miller comments on Whitehead, "the adventure of feeling, that creative flow of the rich and uncalculated expression of individuality in new forms of community.", what I would call the diary of interrelatedness that lifts us away in full rapturous, non-reflective understanding of the aesthetic whole-world in all its dawning beauty.


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