Friday, July 07, 2006

they said they were cartographers, but they were just as lost as us

it's been too long that drill sergeant, pasture and president alike command faith, faith in God, faith in country. by his hand and that of karl rove and others, the two have been drawn together (faith in god and faith in country) with a string not yet invisible. i say, i urge, notice the kinship. those who fight our wars are those who knelt on our church floors not so long ago. they were asked but really taught to have faith, faith in God. mobilize the christian right. that was and is their plan. they've brought their mission's goal to near fruition. so we've got these boys. young guys, guys my age and younger. kids. we were just in high school not so long ago. kids, fighting this war; all the faith in all that's good in this world and the next. only now do their thoughts, not their faith though, waiver occassionally with the bearing, ugly goat of real. they mobilized it. "they"; who's "they"? don't forget because a.d.d. is no myth in this country, except for them, those boys' memories. "they" are the pictures that i can draw up in my mind. you know who it is and was. but make no mistake, there are many others to blame for the way we've reaped young men's souls struck through with pure faith. we all have too much faith and too much blame. blame is blind redemption. and faith is just blind. yes "they" are to blame, but so are we because we could've done something. "they", they must be held accountable and so must we, to hold them and ourselves up against this light of darkness: the disgrace of those that have forgotten the names. those that we sent alive to die and those that have completed our run.


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