Tuesday, July 11, 2006

the history of the world and its current events is being written by the richest and most powerful. make no mistake, those traits are not exclusive but are mutually derived. we see our recent history and current events through the scope of a west culturalized and rich-powerful scribe. in other words, our scope of understanding is limited to the perspective of the powerful. we need not look too far for this. step outside of the present sphere of world awareness by stepping outside of united states of american boarders or by picking up a book on deep ecology and anyone of us will automatically understand themselves as having been bound up by his previous scope of understanding, ignorance. i know because it happened to me. we must open our eyes to what is happening right now in the world. not according to cnn or fox news, but according to the world because what was happening now twenty-five years ago commanded our immediate, radical reduction of "the scale of human enterprise" as written by ecologists Anne and Paul Ehrlich. we still haven't responded close to sufficiently. sustainable development is an oxymoron. it is as if to say that our environmental problem is not so grave that we can budget pussy footing. ignorance cannot be bliss, for if we chose ignorance, we will cease to exist. i am unsure of what will happen to our story. if we keep on this path though, we will die.


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