Sunday, June 04, 2006

something that i'm not sure i'll ever have enough breath to title

the first grouping of words and the first line of the next grouping are, for lack of a better word, androgenous to some extent. the rest is more some of what i've seen.

plane tickets're purchased
life is decided
and i'm off to meet new friends
new lovers
new lifes ahead

i gotta feed this hunger for something new
though i know i can't forget the way i was left by you
as if forgotten, unwritten, nothing force fed to the fires
betrayed, rapped, abandoned, left to become so tired
i can't decipher if i'm tired
or if i've finally learned my lesson
from a lier that can't pretend
from a philosophy gone unread, unseen, and unsaid

and in all of this i'm breathless
tired since you left
months ago when you befriended giving up on a friend
the most painful question is if you ever loved The "lover" you left

this is only perspective
but what else are we left with
when we're left abandoned


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