Wednesday, February 01, 2006

pose the question, when we understand that the Christian God is all powerful and one without beginning or end to his existence, and realize that the soup out of which we came is still obviously mystical, immaterial, and sacred in a nonreligious but profound and piercing still in metaspiritual rapture. we realize that skin is no more material skin, tangible, touchable, empirically understandable than is God. this is the God, the Buddhist mind, the Dao/Tao, the "strings", the abground, the Atman-Brahmin that i've been blessed with. the pure experience of experience at all. this is the God in all of us. the self drawn into the the slit, the sliver between the seams that projects me (without identity) into the purity of showing in the whole. this is the God everywhere; it is in and through our being (as existence) itself. so, when we say it is everywhere, it pierces and floods as the flood and the pierced itself, we breath "it" in warmer breaths. this is the God everywhere, undeniable to ourselves, unprovable to others (no matter what theorem, theory, or proof you have).


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