Friday, December 02, 2005

cannibal "increscunt animi, virescit volnere virtus" - nietzsche

poised on my knees as tall as possibility. until you made me bleed it was something i never thought i'd see. cutting flesh in half over again and again half life had in halfs 'till somethings left this edge was a sickled friend leaving me bent back and scalpeled ab enlightenment.

you left the seed. supplanted ovary has grown to becoming tree. and with endowing lips you kiss you give breaths of bludgeoning. and with this i give a fleshed dowry with broken glass intended for christening the enlightenment of admitted defeat.

there's an animal in all of us, likes to impale. and there's a cannibal in all of us, likes to kill. and when our backs our turned on all of us, we'll forget the details. and when our backs are turned on all of us, we'll pull the trigger, and we'll burn the bridges to the places inside ourselves that we've never seen, because we're choosing to see 20/15.

a scalpel please, everybody back up. i'll make my cut here. scalpel please everybody, back up. i'll make my cut here.


Blogger Katherine Godwin said...

I want to read more, I want to hear that words that spill from your veins.

6:14 PM  
Blogger dude said...

very well. then, to you i say read like the wind, but let it be a breeze only as fast as the spontaneous rapture that enshelters Beauty eyes and Sincerity imagination mind.

to you, i say love!

8:38 PM  
Blogger dude said...

maybe look for once. huh?

6:26 PM  

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