Wednesday, January 25, 2006

transfiguration of a senseless man

this sliver pallet of air holds it in the 2-3 dimensional, own most essential
metaphysical bending of a picture
a mirror bending literature
a figure, salivation at both ends
hungry for what's never been
the regal single tear of after sense
but this dripping bold of "black"
cast on canvass backs of life before just that
transfigures metaphysics of seeing-site and picture interconnectedness never otherwise
for it is the after life that brings duality apparatus experience

tear the flesh off the man
in hopes for sense perception
as control, as void, for metaphysics experiments
as ironic bits of realization as essence
come myself to the oracle's pitch. but then,
i'm told that this i've already found.


Blogger Katherine Godwin said...

this is really beautiful Dompablo.

11:46 PM  
Blogger dude said...

thank you, Katherine. i just watched a hornet fly out my window that had been flying around in my room for the past hour or two. i wondered if i'd have to trap him to let him outside, but i guess i didn't. he made his way. if you're ever inspired to, you should talk to me about your feelings and thoughts with this writing. i'd like to hear that.

now days, it's ever widening in meaning. i don't know how i feel about it.

11:29 PM  

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