Monday, July 03, 2006

dead love. definitions have killed it. more too but definitions cannot be forgotten. definition kills impossibility. and for someone that cannot understand love: by refusing to let go, not being able to, not feeling it, and feeler of the world that cannot touch; an artist, a desperate artist stretching for something. i don't know if it's definition or a lack of hand for fear and grudges. the human. the human form that has been throughout history. not homo sapiens sapiens, but the human of man. climbing atop a tower on in a wash of grey, white, to hold on as if preparing for the starting beep on the first leg of a medley relay. feet poised on those giant windows, tucked under, aside breast. hands clenched tight on the railing that's intended to keep those people safe. but he is not a people in his mind rendering something more. something new. altogether new for history. he lets himself take hold of himself. he lets the redefining take hold. it no longer seems absurd (as it had been in the past of contemplation). but it is rampant, vibrant with new human life. he takes hold of himself and lets go


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