Tuesday, June 27, 2006

cultural econobots. in other words, enlightenment thinkers that only thought within the bounds of what their particular cultural economy would afford them, and that's all that they would afford us in many cases. but i suppose that's all we can do. or is it just sometimes? do we Supervise when we find our heads are above the clouds, (rather then getting rickshawed around the busy, wet ant hill streets in the same old entractioning, already-struck-through-your-bones society) but the question is, in the transfiguring affects of looking down, can we somehow tear our heads up and out to cross the skyline of drenched white otherwise. enlightenment yes. going back to the grass, ground, and earth to live beyond always but admittedly sometimes only sometimes; always trying. i suppose all we can do is try to look out. i mean, (hitting, coming from being in the face of all of this, all the syllables with the down stroke of down notes) Really Look Out.


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