Wednesday, March 29, 2006

this was originally a comment that i wrote on jj's blog that turned into something interesting to me

do you ever wonder if we're missing out on what we're trying to capture when we stop to take a picture of it? should i just let those moments, the purely beautiful self-holding moments of life slip without trying to capture (them)(/myself) as (they)(/i) arise? is that the truly beautiful and sincere art of life?

don't stop and write it down. that's moving away from the very art of experience. is that like a pure experience and then you say, 'wait, let me think. let me write it down.--AS WE PUT OUR HANDS TO OUR FOREHEADS--let me get this, this, this.'? this, what is this? what have we done to the art of life (if anything)? have we killed it and so moved away from exactly what we yearn to be involved in/do/understand/become inspired by? or, could it be that the pure creative experience can lie in the thoughtless interaction between the artist literally unified with the camera and the creative experience of life itself as it shakes the SHIT! OUT OF US!?


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